i2B Referral Scheme

i2B Referral Program

Want a $500 Amazon Gift Card?

Our business has grown over the past 20+ years from all the great referrals from our users and clients. Refer someone you know, maybe they’re a friend, family, ex-colleague, customer, or supplier to us and we will send you a $500 Amazon Gift Card each time one becomes a new client.

Simply enter your contact details below, and your referral details (the contact details of the company you think would benefit from using i2B) and we’ll be in touch!

    Your Details

    Your Referral Details


    Your referral cannot already have active services with our company. We must receive notice of your referral either in advance or within 30 days after your referrals purchase.

    Once your referral makes a qualifying purchase, we will send the gift card to your email address.

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